Google plus has now launched the brand new google plus button. It is an alternative to facebook like and twitter follow button. If you find something useful on the web and you recommend that thing, then you hit the +1 button, and it helps your friends and contacts to find usefull stuff on the web easily. This tutorials will guide you to add plus one button on your blog.
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Why Should You Add Google +1 Button?
It benefits you in the following ways:
1. Your friends and contacts can find that thing easily which you recommended by hitting the (+1) button.
2. Your blog / posts appear more better on search pages if you get +1 hits on your blog.
3. It ultimately increases your PR fastly.
Adding Google Plus One (+1) button to Blogger
1. Go to Blogger Dashboard > Your Blog > Template > Edit HTML.
2. Check the box of expand widget template.
3. Search for </head>.
4. Now add the following code just before it:
2. Check the box of expand widget template.
3. Search for </head>.
4. Now add the following code just before it:
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://apis.google.com/js/plusone.js"> {lang: 'en-US'} </script>5. Now if you want to add the +1 button below your post titles, then add the following code just before <data:post.body/>:
<div style='float:left;'> <g:plusone size="standard" expr:href="data:post.url"/> </div>
- You can adjust the button to display "left" or right "right" by changing the green value in the code
- You can change the size of the button by replacing "standard" with "tall", "medium" or "small".
View of tall, medium and small buttons respectively:
Alternative Method For Adding Google +1 Button
If you want to let +1 button appears without adding any code, then follow the below steps.
1. Go to Blogger > Layout.
2. Now click edit on the Blog widget.
3. Now enable the options Show Share Buttons and save your widget.
Now your +1 button will appear with other share buttons in your posts.
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very nice article content marketing
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