Top 30 Widgets For Blogger

1. Previewit - Watch a thumbnail live preview of the link pointed out from your blog. Thumbnails appears on mouse hover on the outbound link.

2. Feedjit - Display Real time traffic data of your blog just in your blog sidebar.

3. Twitter Badge - Display a twitter badge on your blog.

4. Jaxtr - Allows your blog visitors to call your mobile number but your mobile number will be kept private.

5. 3Jam - Allows your blog visitors to send messages to your mobile phone without knowing your number.

6. Box storage - Allows your visitors to store data on's storage service while staying on your blog.

7. Flixn - Displays a stream directly from your webcam so your blog visitors can always see what you are up to.

8. Showmyweather - A widget to Display weather stats of various countries.

9. TwentyFeet - A place to keep track of all your social stats and analytics.

10. ClockLink - A widget to show off time of various regions.

11. Skype - A widget that displays whether you are offline or online on Skype.

12. Feedcount - Show off the number of visitors to your blog.

13. Feedbuzz - Display headlines from your Rss Feed.

14. AnswerBox - A widget that allow users to search definition of a particular word and proudly powered by

15. Timeline - interested to create a Timeline?, this is what you need.

16. Polldaddy - Create instant polls and expose it on your blog.

17. Plaxo - Let your visitors access their address books from your site.

18. Astore - Create a min store of amazon products and gets a commission when someone buys a product through it.

19. Hellobar - Add a sticky and fixed official bar at the top of your blog.

20. Disqus - Add an official commenting system on your blog.

21. Intensedebate - Another fully equipped commenting system for your blog.

22. LinkWithin - Related posts widget for your blog.

23. Addthis - Grab a beautiful social sharing widget for your blog.

24. Sharethis - Grab a smooth social sharing widget for your blog.

25. 99counters - Place a widget on your blog that displays complete stats of your blog visitors.

26. Kissinsights - Add a beautiful widget on your blog to survey your blog visitors.

27. Livezilla - Add a live chat support feature on your blog to live chat with your blog visitors.

28. Fibox - A shoutbox widget for your blog  where your blog visitors can leave messages same like a  forum.

29. Blinkxlt - Embed a link to related videos directly into your blog.

30. nrelate - Another best related posts widget for blogger.

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